IP address changer for iphone and ipad

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All kinds of devices that connect to the internet are assigned an IP address, not only the computer device is assigned IP address. And the need of security and privacy is very important for all devices as it is for computers, and since the privacy and security is the most important thing that we are looking for, so IP address changer for iphone and ipad is the only solution for it.

For iPhone and iPad the dynamic IP address will not protect your device from hackers or saving your identity, so you have to use IP address changer for iphone and ipad to keep your identity safe from hackers.

It’s possible and easy to get IP address changer for iPhone and iPad if you want anonymous IP address, using VPNĀ service or a proxy service.

In this case the proxy service or vpn can act the same way for the smart phones as it does for computers also, between you phone and the network it can act as intermediate of all of the websites you wanted to visit, and here all of the requests of the traffics are sent to the proxy which with it can evaluates them passed on the internet filters.

IP address changer for iPhone

There are two issues here, the first one is that the proxy appears differently when you are using it to a server administrator than the normal IP address does. So sites or server administrators’ do not generally restricted due to a proxy use, and you may find your traffic is restricted when you are using an open proxy. And open proxy here is a proxy which can be accessed by any person.

The second issue is, with IP address changer for iphone and ipad you can mask your IP address and as long as you are connected to the internet you will be covered with anonymous IP address which is belong to the vpn service.

So after you get IP address changer for iphone and ipad you will be able to browse and surf the internet anonymously with high protection and high security.