Anonymous browsing in FireFox

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Anonymous browsing in FireFox allows a user to visit websites without allowing anyone to gather information about which sites the user visited. Services that provide anonymity disable pop-up windows and cookies and conceal the visitor’s IP address. Anonymous browsing in FireFox is popular for two reasons: to protect the user’s privacy and/or to bypass blocking applications that would prevent access to Web sites or parts of sites that the user wants to visit.

For anonymous browsing in FireFox we can use several things:

Private browsing:

Open “FireFox” browser then Click on “Tools” then “Start Private Browsing.” This option is good for home users that don’t face big security threats, it prevents the browser from keeping history and cookies but it does not provide a solution for the problem of blocked sites and in this case the employer and service provider still can see and access your activity on the internet so it’s not the perfect answer for anonymous browsing in FireFox

Anonymous browsing in FireFox

Anonymous browsing in FireFox add-ons:

There are many add-ons for FireFox that uses Proxies to enhance Security and privacy of surfing the internet like FoxyProxy , anonymoX, etc.

Web Proxies:

Free anonymous Web proxies, such as or HideMyAss, act as intermediaries between you and the sites you visit so your IP address stays hidden from the sites you’re visiting. However, the proxy itself does know your IP address, where you’re going online and when; this data can be turned over to others. And unless you’re using secure connections to the proxy server others on your network (your employer or your ISP) can see where you’re going and what you’re sending. Also, some free proxies are actually set up by hackers looking to steal your personal data, so stick with my recommendations.


For the most secure connection, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the way to go. It creates an encrypted connection for all traffic (including VoIP and movie streaming) between your PC and the VPN server for privacy, and protects your IP address from being transmitted to the sites you visit for anonymity. VPNs will also protect your information while on public networks in hotels and coffee shops. And unlike free services like Tor, VPNs charge a fee that allows them to provide much higher bandwidth