10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans

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Before we represent the 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans; what are the differences between Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Spyware, and Malware? Of course you wonder about these harmful software and want to know how dangerous of them on your PC.

10 ways avoid spyware and Trojans


Virus is a software program replicates itself and infects all the computers or devices it connects to. Viruses usually need to be executed through Autorun, system startup or manually by the user. Virus often spreads via email attachment, USB drives, and the Internet connection.


Worms are the most harmful of computer threats especially for computers connected in a network. They often benefit from security gaps in a network to infiltrate inside each PC in the network without user intervention. They can -probably- destroy all the computers in the network within a few minutes.


Trojan is a malicious code hidden inside software “seem to be useful for you” but will secretly connect to the malicious server in the background without your knowledge. So, you must focus to know the 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans. If your computer is inflected by Trojans, it will often control it completely.


As it is so clear from the name, Spyware steals your private information from the computer and sends it back to its creator like credit cards data, websites you are visiting and of course their logins, email accounts, etc. But you can get rid of it by following the 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans.


Malware is taken from these two words “Malicious Software”. It is any type of software that can damage your computer like what we mentioned above.

Let’s go and know the 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans and I’m sure these 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans will help you to get rid of all of these damaging threats.

10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans:

1: Setup high qualified Anti-virus

Of course we all almost installed a free Anti-virus such as those included with your operating system such as provided by Microsoft security package; it is very efficient software to protect your Windows from Spyware threats and viruses. But you must take other harmful software in consideration that they may not be discovered by it. So, it is very important step from 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans to provide the appropriate Anti-virus for your device.

And you must keep it up to date regularly.


2: Install real-time anti-spyware protection

A lot of people think that once you installed single antivirus software with integrated Spyware protection will help you to keep your PC safe from adware and spyware. But they do not know that most free anti-spyware programs do not provide real-time, or active, protection from adware, Trojan, and other spyware infections.

So, take these 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans seriously to protect your device from any damaging threats.


3: Keep anti-malware applications up to date

It’s one of the most important steps of 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans. Antivirus and anti-spyware programs must be up to date to prevent any loopholes from trying damaging your PC. As any software programs must always update its data, the same for threats, it updates itself to keep attacking your device when you’re incautious.

Computer users must keep their antivirus and anti-spyware applications up to date and of course they must care to update the operating system also in order to be always safe against the most recent threats. Those threats now spread with alarming speed, do not forget social media sites as Twitter, Facebook, etc. which have the great role in this problem.


4: Keep regular scanning

You must keep scanning for you PC as daily scans can help you detecting, isolating, and removing infections that initially escape security software’s attention. So you must take this ways as one of the best 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans.


5: Disable Autorun

Many viruses work by attaching themselves in a drive once this drive is connected to any network drives, external hard disks, or even thumb drives; it leads to the automatic spread of such threats. You can disable the Windows Autorun feature by following Microsoft’s recommendations. Note: it differs from operating system to another.


6: Disable image previews in Outlook

While you receive and infected Outlook e-mail message, one in which graphics code is used to enable the virus’ execution, can result in a virus infection. So, you must disable image previews in Outlook. You must take this way of 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans in consideration. Thanks to the newer versions of Microsoft as it does not automatically display images unless you have changed the default security settings.

You can turn this feature off (using Outlook 2007): go toTools, Trust Center, highlighting the Automatic Download option, and selecting Don’t Download Pictures Automatically in HTML E-Mail Messages or RSS.


7: Don’t click on email links or attachments

Think before you click. You must care about that, whether distracted, friends or colleagues you trust and know. You must be more wary of links and attachments included within email messages, regardless what is its source. Simply once you click on an email link or attachment, your Windows will be vulnerable to corruption and infecting other machines, and destroy important data.

So, you must at least scan these email attachments using a business-class anti-malware application.


8: Surf smart

This is the most important step of 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans. Many business-class anti-malware programs include browser plug-ins that help keeping you safe against drive-by infections, deception attacks which appear in pages seem to be useful when in fact they try to steal personal, financial, or other sensitive and private information.

Such features like plug-ins must be enabled unless they interfere with normal Web browsing. The same is true for automatic pop-up blockers, such as are included in Internet Explorer 8, Google’s toolbar, and other popular browser toolbars.

So, you should never enter user account, personal, financial, or other sensitive information on any Web page as you do not visit them manually by typing the URL on address bar. Hyperlinks contained within an e-mail message often redirect users to fraudulent, fake, or unauthorized Web sites. So, be careful.


Even manual visiting Websites isn’t foolproof and from here this will be clearer in step 10.


9: Use a hardware-based firewall

Of course using a reliable firewall is an indispensable. But unfortunately the software-based firewall included with Windows is not sufficient to protect your systems from the myriad robotic attacks affecting all Internet-connected systems and other worms, adware, malware, etc. So having a hardware-based firewall will be more secure for your system and connection to it. Keep your safety with this sufficient one from 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans.


10: Deploy DNS protection

Of course as you benefit from the Internet connection, you face many security risks.  Drive-by infections may be the most dangerous one where users visit a compromised Web page to infect their own PCs.

In addition to these websites that distribute infected programs, applications, and Trojan files. But there is still a threat exists in the form of poisoned DNS attacks, where a compromised DNS server directs you to an unauthorized Web server. These compromised DNS servers are typically your ISP’s systems, which usually translate friendly URLs such as yahoo.com to numeric IP addresses like

Solve all these risks by changing the method your computer processes DNS services. While a computer professional may be required to implement the switch, OpenDNS offers free DNS services to protect users against common phishing, spyware, and other Web-based threats.

As for, these are the 10 ways avoid Spyware and Trojans.